Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's All About Integrity

Regardless of one's endeavor, it's all about integrity. Webster's unabridged dictionary defines integrity as an "unimpaired or unmarred condition." It is also "an uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values: utter sincerity, honesty, and candor: avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality, or shallowness of any kind." All truly successful people who are seeking to fulfill their purpose in life seek to live in integrity.

An important aspect of integrity is that we must have it toward our creator and ourselves before we can have it toward others. This requires us to periodically meditate (pray) and reflect on who we are, why we're here, and what actions we intend to take. By making a conscious effort to always remain in integrity, our decisions reflect who we are intentionally BEING. After all, "How you spend your days is how you spend your life." I recently heard this statement and it had a profound effect on me. It caused me to pause in my activities and assess my true priorities. Think about where you spend most of your time and money. This exercise will show you what you deem to be most important in your life.

Now, imagine that you have come to the end of your time on earth and are looking back at your life. Are you happy with how you spent the time you were allotted? If you are like me and rank your priorities as God, family, and job, is that reflected in your life? For too many years I woke before daylight, rushed to get ready, and drove to a job where I spent all day giving my best to make a difference. I came home too weary to give any more because it was all gone. I would crawl into bed and do it all again the next day. And I did this for YEARS!!

Meanwhile, my children grew up, my parents grew old, and my body showed signs of wear and tear. Thank heaven I woke up and saw the futility of what I was doing before my time was up!! You see, I had resigned myself to a life of mediocrity, hoping for some semblance of security. I wasn't created to live a secure life and neither was anyone else. We were created to be creative. To take risks. To dream big and achieve goals that are scary. This is the essence of being in integrity - living on purpose every single day.

Today I realized that my life is so much bigger and better than ever. I looked at my calendar and saw that today I was visiting my mother in assisted living, getting a birthday gift for our granddaughter, exercising and writing this blog. Each of these activities is a step toward my achieving some specific goals, be they personal or professional. Everything we do, in fact, is either taking us toward our goals and our purpose or it is taking us farther away from this. And the actions we take are always a choice.

When I look at my calendar for the next week I see a trip to visit Ed's mother and sister in Gainesville, Florida. We then travel farther south to visit our daughter and her family in order to celebrate Alexa's first birthday. These are the very reasons I left the job that was robbing me of so much time and energy. I feel very empowered knowing that I had the courage to make the decisions that caused this to happen. My J-O-B as a nurse kept me from our oldest grandchild's first birthday 4 1/2 years ago. Thanks to my decision to leave that job and be in integrity to myself and my purpose, I am not missing his sister's birthday.

As we made the decision to start our own business in direct sales, we first made sure the company we joined was one of integrity - that their way of operating is honest, open and focused on improving the lives of others, not just the pocketbooks of a few. We then observed the leaders and listened to them as often as we could. It was so refreshing to repeatedly hear that having integrity is a prerequisite for success. In fact, one of our good friends and mentors, John Lavenia, actually published a book entitled Integrity Is Everything.

For anyone now looking for a way to take control of their lives and future, feel free to contact us. contact us. We arevvery serious about what we do. We promise to treat everyone with the utmost honesty, always following the principles of the Golden Rule. After all, in business as in all relationships, it's all about integrity.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Deciding Who To Trust

Whether you're buying a car, seeking medical care, or starting a business from your home, a major challenge is deciding who to trust. We all see lots of ads and websites for home businesses and think, "yeah, sure, I've heard of those things." Sometimes we may be tempted to respond but something holds us back. Is it the idea of network marketing we are afraid of, or is the fear of being taken advantage of by another person keeping us stuck?

Ever since Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, humans have been afraid to trust. In their case, they didn't trust God! Satan planted a seed of doubt in their minds about what is really the truth and blind trust was over. I wonder if doubt doesn't hurt us more than trust. Doubt keeps us from believing in ourselves and the possibilities that exist all around us. Having been created in God's image, we have more power and potential than we can ever use. But do we use it?

Our subconscious minds are always giving us "gut feelings" and creative ideas but our conscious "rational" minds hold us back. Can you imagine a world where people are acting on hunches and taking risks? This happens everyday in the world of network marketing. Entrepreneurs are no different than the doubters except they are willing to trust themselves and other people as they blaze new trails. I have been a network marketer for over 3 years now and I have achieved more personal and financial success than I ever could have as a doubter. Best of all, the friends I've made on this journey are happy and full of integrity.

I can't tell anyone who to trust. I just know that being afraid to trust others is a sad way to live. Common sense and intuition have served me well. I trust them first and foremost. After that, I trust poeple who display kindness and honesty, and who demonstrate the Golden Rule. I am so grateful today to be full of confidence and trust rather than fear and distrust. I'm writing the story of my life and it's a happy one.

To your happy story as well,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Success Really Is All In Your Head

I just read a blogpost by Ron Edmondson entitled, "The Economy Is Full Of Good News." One of the key points in this post is the fact that consumer confidence has improved. Consumers, i.e. everyone, respond to what they hear from mass media. Regardless of their personal situation, if consumers react to what they are told about the econmy and are afraid to spend money, then the economy does indeed suffer as a result of their fear. This is because our minds create the reality we believe to be true.

When I apply this to my personal success, I am only successful to the extent that I believe I am. This is not related to my bank account per se. As I have sat here meditating in my home looking out on Lake Murray this morning, I am so aware of all the abundance before me today. I have more opportunity to reach more people than at any time in history. Affordable technology beginning with electricity, which gave birth to computers and then the internet, make it possible for me to connect with and communicate with millions of people worldwide in seconds!! This is phenomenal.

There are more ways to make a substantial income than ever before as well. All that is required is belief and imagination. Just like the effect consumer confidence has on the economy, my own confidence in the abundance of opportunity in my life right now affects my personal success. If I allow myself to focus on some perceived lack of anything, that is what becomes my reality. However, if I see the opportunities available to me right now, today, to create wealth in my own life and to assist others in doing the same, that becomes my reality. Success truly is all in your head.

When God created the world, did he fear there might not be enough carbon for all the life forms in his imagination? Does He tell us to hunker down in fear or to be fruitful and multiply? Being fruitful and multiplying requires faith, confidence, and optimism. What is success other than the reality of being fruitful and multiplying? If success is indeed all in my head as the evidence proves, then I have a divine mandate to become as successful as possible in my life today. So do you. Open your eyes and look for ways to bring increase in your life and in the life of others. Fear will be dispelled just as light dispels darkness.

To your immense Success,
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How Much Money Will You Make In the Next 90 Days?

Do you know how much money you will earn in the next 90 days? Is it an amount that gets you excited or is it less than desirable? I am grateful for all the money that comes into my life, however my 90 day projection is $75,000. And I will do this while working 4 -5 hours a day for 5 days a week. I know something that 97% of people don't know. I know how to leverage my time so that by assisting others in achieving their goals, I achieve mine.

Network marketing is a very pure form of free enterprise. It is recession-proof, offering financial and time freedom to anyone, regardless of background or education. The only requirement is desire, drive, and determination. My company offers training and support to anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves and learn a simple, proven three-step business model.

Our line of products is stellar and part of a $19 billion dollar a year industry. Not only is the recession not hurting our sales, but the current economic downturn has actually improved our business. This is because we offer an alternative to conventional wisdom when it comes to creating wealth. For a very modest start-up cost, anyone can have their own business up and running within hours. There are no products to warehouse or ship. There is no required travel nor is there a boss to answer to other than yourself. It is not multi-level marketing, either, if that matters. It is fun and fulfilling, however.

With a multiple 6 figure income, I have more choices than I ever did as an employee. And choices equal freedom. Only you know the answer to my original question about how much money you will make in the next 90 days. If you don't like the answer, change it. If you'd like my asssistance, call me.

To your prosperity,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are You Ready To Start Your Own Business?

As I was meditating this morning, I thought about what a luxury it is to be able sit and allow my mind to communicate with God. In my former life (nurse with a corporate boss), I knew exactly how many minutes I could spend in the morning on certain activities like drinking coffee, devotions, eating breakfast, showering, blow drying my hair and getting dressed. To be on time at work, I knew the exact minute I had to be in my car turning the key! Since leaving that world for my amazingly simply business at home, I can spend as much time as I like on my morning activities.

This is such an empowering way to live! I believe we were created to live with this kind of freedom. Our minds are so powerful and creative as long as they are not filled with thoughts of what must be done or what needs to be done right now. Of course, I am aware of time - I have a calendar and a clock. There are events I wouldn't miss for anything, like our daily Wake-Up-to-Success Call at 11 AM with Tony Rush and Kevin Knecht. There is also the Blackbelt Marketing Call with John Lavenia on Monday nights and Shane Krider's leadership call on Fridays at 5 PM. Then there are social events and conferences. All of these things matter to me because I choose to make them a priority. They energize rather than exhaust. We all deserve to live energized rather than exhausted, don't you think?

Do I have a to-do list for today? You bet. Everyday there are certain things I want to achieve. I am in the business of assisting others to tap into their inner potential and discover their passion and purpose in life. Many people are afraid to even think it possible to live a life of freedom and abundance. The power's-that-be in this world don't understand how much better and productive everyone is when operating from a place of free-will and unbridled enthusiasm. God certainly understands that. He put into our hearts and souls these dreams, desires, and the freedom to live life as we choose.

So, what are people waiting for? If you need someone's permission to step away from the pack and achieve the outrageous goals you've thought were impossible, you have mine. I am so grateful I found a whole community of people who are doing just that. They have taken me by the hand and led me into a world I never realized existed. And now that I'm there, I never plan to go back to a restricted, limited life again. Jump in. I'll be here to show you the way as you start your own business as a means to freedom and abundance.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why The Fear About Starting A Home Business?

Since so many people say they want to work from home, why does there seem to be so much fear concerning the idea of starting a home business? My guess is that there are a number of reasons. For one, human beings have been conditioned to be suspicious of everyone and everything overing hope because of the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it is." It saddens me to think of all the missed opportunities in life because people succumbed to fear rather than faith that success and happiness are indeed possible.

Another reason people are afraid is simply because they would have to do something they've not done before. However, if we all look back on our lives, everything we've done we had to do for the first time at some point, right? Examples are crawling, walking, riding a bicycle, writing a paper, starting a job, etc. But we did it and soon learned it really wasn't as big a deal as we had imagined. It's the same with starting a home business. When you look around and see that thousands of people are happy and successful working a business from home, then there's every reason to believe that you also can be happy and successful doing the same thing.

For me, the scary part was that I had never been self-employed before - except for that brief time in the early '80s when I was a Mary Kay Consultant. Maybe that's another issue for some people - either they or someone they know "tried" a home based business in the past and didn't achieve the success they desired. Thank goodness I faced my fear and decided that the possibility of success outweighed my fear of failure. After all, I was the reason I didn't succeed the first time. Mary Kay is still a thriving business with many successful consultants.

Granted, there have always been fly-by-night companies that offer no real substance to their promises. However, due diligence includes talking to people who have actually succeeded in a company - lots of people - and reveals a company's merits. That is certainly the case with the company we work with - Liberty League International. It's almost 8 years old and growing like crazy. This only happens when people of high integrity are at the helm.

My personal goal is to assist anyone who desires to take their life to a new level. And I am eager to assist them today, not tomorrow. Anyone can find an excuse not to do something. I challenge you to find one reason to do something and do it today. The life change will be dramatic. Otherwise, one stays stuck in fear. Only the brave achieve their true dreams. I'm really glad I overcame my fear of starting a home business!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Doesn't Everyone Want A Simple Home Business That Really Works?

What could be more perfect than making a substantial income doing what you love? Sadly enough, most people in today's world don't think this is possible. Many express an interest in making a great income from home but stop short of making the decisions required to make it happen. Making the decision is actually the hardest part of the process.

Our pastor has been doing a sermon series on 30 Days and No Regrets. The idea is to evaluate what you would do differently if you learned you had 30 days to live. I was a little surprised and saddened to see the number of hands raised when asked who would quit their job. The biggest surprise was that our pastor also raised his hand!!

The world economy in the 21st century has definitely changed. With downsizing and outsourcing, many white collar and middle management people are finding themselves unemployed. Enterprising entrepreneurs are quickly rising to the top of the home business field. Ours is a product based business with a multiple six figure income potential.

This is a perfect time for anyone who is not satisfied with their job. Thousands of people are starting a home-based business everyday. Life is way too short, hopefully longer than 30 days however, to spend it doing an unfulfilling job. If you would have raised your hand in our church service this morning, take a look at your priorities. I did and no longer work the job that ate my time and life with too little in return.

We were all created for joy and abundance in life. I firmly believe it is the work of The Accuser to convince us that life is a struggle and work is hard. Our creator is loving and giving. We dishonor our very lives by spending them in misery and lack. My mission is to encourage every person I meet to live a life of purpose and prosperity.

To your purpose and prosperity.
Sandra Hayes

Monday, April 27, 2009

An Amazingly Perfect Day

Today is an amazingly perfect day in so many ways. The weather and the fact that I am totally in control of my time and activities all contribute to my sense of well-being. I am remembering a time about 10 or 11 years ago when our family was vacationing at this very spot. I was working as a nurse in Florida and our girls were still in High School. I sat on the deck of our cottage here by the lake and visualized myself working on my computer from this very spot. And here I sit today! It is so powerful to realize we can create any situation and outcome we desire.

My husband and I had a delicious and nutritious breakfast after which I worked on getting our garden plot prepared for the plants soon to grow there. Growing our own organic vegetables has also been a dream I had pushed to the back burner for lack of time. Now that we work our own business from home, we exercise more and eat a far better diet than we did when we worked full time for someone else.

Another perfect event that occurred today was a call from our daughter in Florida. We chat often and are in the process of planning our next bit of time together. When I was employee, both in Florida and here in South Carolina, I had to budget and beg for time off to visit relatives or take a vacation. In fact, we usually combined the two to maximize our time. Now I visit both our daughters every month or two. This is especially important since I want to make sure my 3 grandchildren know me as the Nana who is both familiar and fun.

Now I'm hard at work. Getting ready to call a gentleman in Greece who is interested in changing his status from employee to business owner. I spoke with him briefly last evening on Skype and he was at work finishing a project - it was 2:00 AM his time! It will be 10 PM in Greece when I call him back because he had another long day of work to complete first.

How about your day? Has it been as amazingly perfect as mine? If not, think about the reasons. If it's a job you don't enjoy, contact me. If more money would give you more options, contact me. I may not answer the phone or your email immediately, but I will soon. I'm in and out of my office here on the porch often.

To your perfect day,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, April 13, 2009

How I Learned This Simple Home Business

Today is traditionally known as Easter Monday. Most Christian churches officially celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ yesterday. I am so grateful for His sacrifice and victory over sin and death in order that I may live an empowered and confident life. Even though I have known Jesus all my life, I continued to live in fear and slavery until two years ago. We attended a Liberty Conference and heard Andy Andrews speak for the first time. His words inspired me to "burn the boats" of so-called job security and become an entrepreneur along with Ed. Since I had never really done this before, I had to learn how to think differently.

You see, one of our little heard of basic needs is the need for time structuring. In order to thrive and feel productive as human beings, we must have some structuring of our activities. Otherwise, we just wander aimlessly in our thoughts and actions with no clear purpose. When we sell our time to an employer, this need is taken care of for us. We are told what time to report to work, what time to take a break, when to eat lunch and when we can go home. Of course, the job itself dictates how we spend our time working. As a nurse in a busy family practice clinic, I was quite good at multi-tasking as I feverishly evaluated and cared for the patients in our office, while answering telephone messages at every available moment. I went home at the end of 10 1/2 hours totally exhausted, only to do the same thing the next day.

The fact that I had little say-so in how to spend my working hours was bad enough. Worse than that was the paucity of vacation time I was allowed. Like so many people of the 21st century, I felt little control over my situation. After all, there are bills to pay and a retirement to plan for, right? How had I allowed myself to sell my time, which represents my life, for so little in return? (Basically a very small paycheck) Is there security in slavery? Yes, knowing there will be enough money to survive at a basic level. Is there freedom to dream, travel, visit, and be inspired by God and others? Not when the master is a boss with a narrow agenda. We were all created for a great purpose. And we only have a brief amount of time to realize and achieve that purpose.

My main purpose is to glorify my creator with my life, which isall that I think, say and do. As a part of this purpose, I seek to share this knowledge with all who have ears to hear. As a home based business entrepreneur, I market myself as a leader with an answer. Millions of people worldwide are eager to find a way to free themselves from slavery and live their true purpose. Having found that way myself, I am ready to share what I know. God showed me a better way. He opened my eyes to the freedom He wants me to have over my life and time. Money is a tool for making things happen so of course He wants us to have as much as we can be good stewards of in order to achieve our divine purpose.

The way I learned to make such a radical change in my life was to become a product of our 90 day personal development home study course. I continue to be a student of this course even after 3 years! I can't say that about any of the undergraduate or graduate courses I have taken! And then I attended the Liberty and Summit Conferences to take myself to even higher levels. It really is that simple and how I learned to have phenomenal success in this home business. I am closer to God, to my husband, and people in general than ever. What a powerful way to live! We all deserve this life.

To your purpose and power!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Amazingly Simple For Those Open To New Possibilities

The current economic crisis/recession is not a new phenomenom. Throughout history, changes in the supply and demand of goods and services has necessitated changes in thinking and behaving. Just look at the changes in the past century. Our country went from agricultural, to manufacturing, to technology as being the primary ways of earning money. Each time, people had to be willing to release the old in order to embrace and learn the new. Right now, more people than ever are embracing the idea of being home business entrepreneurs.

Every day, thousands of people worldwide start a home based business. I am the only person I can truly depend on to make sure my business succeeds and compensates me with the income I deserve. Family businesses have been overtaken by giants like Wal-Mart and Target. These large corporations then hire and fire people at will. There is no real loyalty on either side. Manufacturing jobs have been leaving the United States at a record pace for the past 30 years. My parents and grandparents depended on the textile industry to make a living - these plants closed and moved their operations overseas decades ago.

So what is the answer? We must have a new paradigm to create wealth for ourselves and our children. We first need a solid company with solid leadership and desirable products. Fads are not the answer. There are some excellent home-based businesses selling healthcare, cosmetics and household products. I personally don't want to stock, warehouse or ship products from my home. This greatly interferes with my freedom to travel. The profits on these products are relatively small and most of the companies are multi-level marketing, which means people share their profits with others.

These are the reasons our business makes so much sense to me and thousands of others worldwide. We deliver a tremendous service and product which far exceed their monetary cost. At the same time, our income opportunity is the most lucrative anywhere, with the training and tools to get people in a money-making position within days. Today, a multiple-six figure income is absolutely essential for a family to grow and thrive instead of struggle and just survive. This industry is at the forefront of this new wave of business for the 21st century. I am so blessed to be a part of it and to be able to offer the leadership for others as well.

It truly feels good and right to be able to show people a new and better way of thinking, living, and being productive in our world. Our lives are brief and we all want to make a real difference as we achieve our true purpose. To anyone who is open to a new possibilities, I stand ready to share our amazingly simple home businesss.

Blessings to you and success in whatever path you choose.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Optimistic Belief Is The Real Key To Success

What sets successful home business entrepreneurs apart from everyone else? What do we see and believe that others are afraid of ? Ed and I market personal development products for aspiring entrepreneurs. These products themselves empower the user to change limiting beliefs into powerful optimism about what we are capable of achieving. But the first step any of us must take on this path is to have an open mind. I looked around and saw a lot of successful people (defined as those making multiple six figure incomes every year with time freedom to live out their dreams). Did I see people who didn't succeed? Of course! But to me they don't matter. The only thing that matters is that success is possible.

If success in business or any area of life is possible for one person, then it's possible for millions of people. Did the successful people start out certain of failure? Of course not - that would have meant giving up at the beginning. God wired our minds and spirits to achieve greatness. If not, we would all still be living in caves and eating raw nuts and fruit. In fact, if we weren't born with optimistic belief in ourselves and our abilities, none of us would have learned to crawl, let alone walk.

It's so sad that most people look at a powerful opportunity like ours and immediately focus on the reasons it won't work for them. When this happens, we bid them well and move on to those who really desire to change their situation. Only people with optimistic belief can ever move beyond their present circumstances. It takes optimisitic belief to take risks and look for solutions. Do you know anyone who has truly achieved their dream goals in life who wasn't willing to take a risk and look for ways to make it happen?

I am so grateful today that I overcame some initial doubt and made my decisions based on optimistic faith. Giving up and giving in is a sad but common way to live. Finding solutions and believing success is possible makes life really worth living. I am studying Acts in my Disciple Bible study class. Regardless of their previous beliefs and failures, the Apostles, empowered by the Holy Spirit, moved forward with optimistic belief and watched miracles occur as a result. I am grateful to be tapped into this same power today.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So You're Thinking About Starting A Home Business

We talk to people every day who contact us because they're thinking about starting a home business. Some are actively seeking an opportunity that resonates with them. Others admit they have been looking at different businesses for years. Why don't they just watch a movie or play a game for heaven's sake? Starting a business, even a franchise-type home business with a system in place for earning profits, is serious. It's certainly not for the timid, fearful, or reluctant!

With the profits we earn, we don't require a lot of sales to make a sizable income. Our profits of $1,000, $5,000, and $8,000 per sale can add up quickly to a multiple 6 or 7 figure income. This is important to someone seeking to replace an executive level income with a relatively small amount of cash up-front. These numbers seem unbelievable to someone who's always worked for someone else to earn $35,000 per year. I don't have the time for these folks because they lack vision, desire, heart and purpose.

The top 3% who know who they are and what it takes to achieve their goals are the people I can assist. It is such a blessing to have a vehicle to change lives, both financially and with our stellar personal development products. It is so simple as long as you know it's possible and are willing to take action. Just sitting around wishing for a successful home business won't make it happen. Visualizing success and then taking the steps required to achieve the success will make it happen. As Wallace Wattles states repeatedly in the Science of Getting Rich, anyone who does things in "a certain way" will succeed.

I personally take action everyday to be available to assist those who are thinking about starting a home business. I first ask some very direct questions to help both of us determine if this is a serious inquiry worthy of both our attention, or if it is a passing thought. I never want to deny the truly motivated an opportunity to succeed. By the same token, I don't have the time to waste on those who lack the essential mindset. If you are looking to really succeed in a serious and lucrative home business, contact me. If you are happy with the status quo, have a nice day.

To Your Success.
Sandra Hayes

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where's The Light Switch?

Many of us baby boomers grew up to believe that if we got an education, found a good job (one that put us in the middle of the middle class), and were loyal to our boss (showed up and did what was expected), we could live comfortably (scrimp, save, and do without), we could expect to retire at age 65, and continue to live frugally until we are called home (die). Then, somehow, our country's economy starting to unravel. And as with most things that unravel, it started slowly and then got so out of control it seemed impossible to repair the damage. So here we are in early 2009 groping in the dark for answers to questions we never expected to ask. It's as if someone turned out the light and we need help finding the switch.

I am so grateful that I found the switch before the lights went out. Amazingly enough, I realized several years ago that there is no security in a job. And what really irked me, was the realization that we have been misled by the establishment into thinking there was. Now I'm really glad this is true because I realize that I'm not really a victim because I have the power to create my own reality. No one is smarter or more capable of achieving greatness than I am. As a child I believed this but somehow stopped believing it as I got older.

The good news is that since I discovered this great truth, I now have the ability and desire to show others this truth as well. Since I know where the light switch is, I can dispel the darkness for others. I've been reading the Gospel of John for a class I lead at church. John uses the words light and darkness often as metaphors for the truth versus deception. That is how I see all of life. There is truth and there is non-truth. Abundance and possibility are truth. Scarcity and impossibility are non-truths.

For anyone who feels despondent and unsure of the future, my advice is to take a deep breath and relax. There are solutions if we but allow them to manifest for us. Simply reading this message today may spark the answer you seek. After all, once the light switch has been activated, there is no longer darkness.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How To Accelerate Results in This Simple Business

Everyday, Monday through Friday, at 11:00 AM EST, I am blessed to be able to listen to a Wake Up To Success Call. This call is hosted by our company, Liberty League International, and the leader who masterminds the call is usually Tony Rush. Tony is a guy we have known since we became associates here almost 3 years ago. He has mentored, inspired, and encouraged me on many occasions. This week has been no exception.

This week's wake-up topic has been "certainty." This is a word most of us don't think about often. It's especially not one the masses think about because they are on autopilot much of the time and actually think very little. If they (and I used to be one) started thinking, they would realize that their lives are not nearly as fulfilling as they envisioned when they were children. So the first question I started asking myself when I started to think was, "What can I do differently that will take my life to a new level?" I didn't want to leave this earth without having achieved my true purpose.

The answer for me has been to just make up my mind (Andy Andrews says to have a decided heart) and take the action to achieve this purpose. Where to start? First of all, I have to ask myself if achieving my purpose is possible. If I have more doubt than faith, then I can forget it right now. How can I have faith in achieving something I've never achieved before? Look around! Have others achieved it? The fact is, if God has put a desire in my heart, He has also provided a way for me to achieve this desire. So now I seek out the company of those who have achieved goals on a level with the ones I now have. I hang out with them, watch what they do and how they talk, and simply know that my desires have a certain outcome.

This sounds very simple, I know. Tony did a great job of making a graph that depicts the steps to take from unbelief to certainty. After all, if you don't even believe something is going to happen for you, you won't take any action to make it happen. See how important belief is? For example I want a new Volvo V70. I have been looking at them online and in the showroom. I have compared the features of the V70 versus the XC90 and know that the V70 will better serve me. Tomorrow I am going to test drive one and discuss with our friend, Bob, how soon I can be in possession of my new car. This has gone from wishing and hoping to taking the actual steps to to making the desire a reality.

So look at your dreams. Are they dusty? Have you been afraid to even think about them? Are you guilty of using such excuses as "I'm too old,", "I'm too young," "I don't have any education," "This is not a good time because of the economy."? Remember that success in any area begins with belief, which leads to hope, which leads to action. Once you are taking action, know with certainty that your goal is about to be achieved. If you want to know more about how this works, contact me. It's what I do for a living. In my amazingly simple business, I just show others what is possible.

To your success.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Amazingly Simple And Thriving

Everywhere you look in mass media today, there's talk of doom and gloom. I hear even Donald Trump declared we are now in an economic depression. Well, let's create some anti-depressants, for heaven's sake. My first anti-depressant prescription is TURN OFF THE NEWS (Television, radio, newsprint). After all, you create your own reality. This is not denial by any means. Rather it is chooing to be at cause for your results rather feel like a victim.

The second prescription I offer is to look at your assets. These assets can be financial and are often in places you haven't considered. However, we all have other assets too. If you are reading this, you have access to the internet, can read, and know how to use a computer. Chances are you can also talk, listen and converse with people. The most important asset you possess is an imagination and the ability to visualize an outcome. Use these in a positive manner and you are unstoppable. However, if you listen to the mass media and then use your imagination and ability to visualize in a negative manner, you will not want to get out of bed in the morning.

The third and final prescription is to find a company with products you believe in and are passionate about sharing with others. Our personal development products and the community of people we work with inspire me to be the best I can be in life. This is much more fulfilling for me and the world than selling soda pop and candy bars, don't you think? Besides that, it's a lot more lucrative for all of us and cuts out the middle man entirely.

So rather than focus on what others are saying about the economy, let's create a positive and successful environment in which to live and work. It's a whole lot more fun and amazingly simple as always.

To your success,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, January 19, 2009

Belief In How Amazingly Simple It Is

It always amazes me - the excuses people use to stay stuck in their lives. It really boils down to belief. First of all, belief in deservability. If a person doesn't believe they deserve time and financial freedom, they may as well forget about achieving it. It seems that the more amazingly simple something is, the less people allow themselves to beilieve it.

Next there is belief in an opportunity. We talked to someone today who didn't even fully investigate our products. Yet he decided this business was not for him because he didn't believe in our products. How in the world can someone decide this without even doing their due diligence? Obviously, this person is afraid of success on a level he is not ready for.

So what are our products, you ask. Our cornerstone product is a 90 day personal achievement course. This is a proven product that has improved thousands of lives, including my own. Think about it. If you find something that helps you become the person you were created to be. If you find a vehicle that helps you become a better spouse, parent, and citizen, don't you want to share it? Is there anything wrong with making a decent living by improving the lives of others and therefore the world?

Remember that we all sell something - either a product or a service. I am blessed to sell both. And my product is capable of improving anyone who uses it. And those improvements can be physical, spiritual, financial, psychological, and interpersonally. Wow!! How many products can stake such a claim?

I am eternally grateful to have found this business and this product. I am making a far greater difference in the world now than I ever dreamed of making as a nurse. I pray that everyone finds a way to achieve their dreams and goals. One they believe in and one that is amazingly simple.

Friday, January 16, 2009

This Amazing Business = Our Amazing Life

One week ago Ed and I were on a plane to Los Angeles, California. This was a business trip (i.e. tax deductible) It was also a mini-vacation with some of our dearest friends in the world. We learned a lot about ourselves and our possibilities. One of our friends from Australia was recognized for having earned 1.2 million dollars in 2008, her first year in business.

I am a 54 year-old baby boomer with the freedom to design my days to my liking. And as I spend my days, so do I spend my life. I remember as a child daydreaming about what I wanted to be when I grow up. I thought of such things as president, a doctor, a missionary, and an astronaut. Somewhere along the line, my mind told me to get real. As a result, I settled for less than my original dreams. I succumbed to fear of failure and therefore decided not to succeed.

Thank heaven I woke up before my life here on earth was over. I am still young enough to achieve anything I want to. In the past 2 years, I was courageous enough to leave a job that demanded way more of my life than it gave back. Today, I have the freedom to plan trips, learn new skills, and share an abundant lifestyle with anyone courageous enough to belief that anything is possible.

I am so grateful to God, to my husband, and to our friends for showing us how much fun life really is. I am also grateful to know that I can make a huge difference in the lives of others. If I can make such a change, anyone can.

To your success,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, January 5, 2009

Life Is So Precious So Keep Business Simple

Wow! What an amazing 5 days I have just experienced. On New Year's Eve, our younger daughter, Jessica, gave birth to her firstborn. Liam was born at 5:34 AM at home in a pool of water. Jessica's strength and determination were wonderful to behold. Liam was not small - he weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces. Everyone is healthy and thriving. His cord fell off a short while ago and I have been blessed to be here to cook, clean, walk the dog, encourage, and answer questions. These are good tasks for a Nana.

Pregnancy and childbirth are very complicated from a physiological standpoint. But from a personal standpoint, they are amazingly simple. God created our bodies to reproduce so they do. And he created us to breastfeed our babies so that too happens without our having to think about it or make it happen. It happens naturally because we are made for it to happen. It's only when we start second guessing ourselves and the process that things stop working simply. We somehow think that our bodies are different than all the millions of others in the world. We think that we won't be able to give birth or to produce milk. When you look at this objectively, it is ridiculous. So why do we do it to ourselves?

The same goes for entrepreneurship. Ours is the most simple business in the world. We have a proven 3 step system that everyone follows. We have 3 products that the company handles for us. We have pre-written ads. We have training and mentoring that is superior to any I have ever seen or heard of. Yet, many people are somehow afraid they won't be able to succeed. Never mind the numbers of people who make 6 and 7 figure incomes. Somehow they want to complicate it. So they start focusing on why it won't work for them - marketing and lead generation is diffiicult. They don't have any money to get started. They heard of someone who "tried" a home business and failed.

So like Jessica and childbirth, we can draw our strength and confidence from the vast numbers who have succeeded. We can approach our business positive of success and it will happen. In giving birth, failure is not an option. The baby will be born. This is how I approach my business everyday. I know I have the answer. I have been doing this for 3 1/2 years. I have succeeded and have lots of friends who have succeeded. Whether anyone else believes they can succeed or not is their decision. Success is my daily experience.

I know this business and lifestyle work for me. I know that I didn't have to ask any boss' permission to drive 4 hours to be with my daughter when she went into labor. I didn't have to ask anyone how long I could stay (except my daughter and son-in-law!). I have continued to work when I choose with my cell phone and laptop. And I can come back for a visit anytime I choose. We all deserve this kind of freedom. When did we as Americans decide we had to work for a corporation until we're old or dead?

My time and my life are too precious. This business is too simple for me not to do it.