Monday, April 13, 2009

How I Learned This Simple Home Business

Today is traditionally known as Easter Monday. Most Christian churches officially celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ yesterday. I am so grateful for His sacrifice and victory over sin and death in order that I may live an empowered and confident life. Even though I have known Jesus all my life, I continued to live in fear and slavery until two years ago. We attended a Liberty Conference and heard Andy Andrews speak for the first time. His words inspired me to "burn the boats" of so-called job security and become an entrepreneur along with Ed. Since I had never really done this before, I had to learn how to think differently.

You see, one of our little heard of basic needs is the need for time structuring. In order to thrive and feel productive as human beings, we must have some structuring of our activities. Otherwise, we just wander aimlessly in our thoughts and actions with no clear purpose. When we sell our time to an employer, this need is taken care of for us. We are told what time to report to work, what time to take a break, when to eat lunch and when we can go home. Of course, the job itself dictates how we spend our time working. As a nurse in a busy family practice clinic, I was quite good at multi-tasking as I feverishly evaluated and cared for the patients in our office, while answering telephone messages at every available moment. I went home at the end of 10 1/2 hours totally exhausted, only to do the same thing the next day.

The fact that I had little say-so in how to spend my working hours was bad enough. Worse than that was the paucity of vacation time I was allowed. Like so many people of the 21st century, I felt little control over my situation. After all, there are bills to pay and a retirement to plan for, right? How had I allowed myself to sell my time, which represents my life, for so little in return? (Basically a very small paycheck) Is there security in slavery? Yes, knowing there will be enough money to survive at a basic level. Is there freedom to dream, travel, visit, and be inspired by God and others? Not when the master is a boss with a narrow agenda. We were all created for a great purpose. And we only have a brief amount of time to realize and achieve that purpose.

My main purpose is to glorify my creator with my life, which isall that I think, say and do. As a part of this purpose, I seek to share this knowledge with all who have ears to hear. As a home based business entrepreneur, I market myself as a leader with an answer. Millions of people worldwide are eager to find a way to free themselves from slavery and live their true purpose. Having found that way myself, I am ready to share what I know. God showed me a better way. He opened my eyes to the freedom He wants me to have over my life and time. Money is a tool for making things happen so of course He wants us to have as much as we can be good stewards of in order to achieve our divine purpose.

The way I learned to make such a radical change in my life was to become a product of our 90 day personal development home study course. I continue to be a student of this course even after 3 years! I can't say that about any of the undergraduate or graduate courses I have taken! And then I attended the Liberty and Summit Conferences to take myself to even higher levels. It really is that simple and how I learned to have phenomenal success in this home business. I am closer to God, to my husband, and people in general than ever. What a powerful way to live! We all deserve this life.

To your purpose and power!

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