Thursday, May 28, 2009

Success Really Is All In Your Head

I just read a blogpost by Ron Edmondson entitled, "The Economy Is Full Of Good News." One of the key points in this post is the fact that consumer confidence has improved. Consumers, i.e. everyone, respond to what they hear from mass media. Regardless of their personal situation, if consumers react to what they are told about the econmy and are afraid to spend money, then the economy does indeed suffer as a result of their fear. This is because our minds create the reality we believe to be true.

When I apply this to my personal success, I am only successful to the extent that I believe I am. This is not related to my bank account per se. As I have sat here meditating in my home looking out on Lake Murray this morning, I am so aware of all the abundance before me today. I have more opportunity to reach more people than at any time in history. Affordable technology beginning with electricity, which gave birth to computers and then the internet, make it possible for me to connect with and communicate with millions of people worldwide in seconds!! This is phenomenal.

There are more ways to make a substantial income than ever before as well. All that is required is belief and imagination. Just like the effect consumer confidence has on the economy, my own confidence in the abundance of opportunity in my life right now affects my personal success. If I allow myself to focus on some perceived lack of anything, that is what becomes my reality. However, if I see the opportunities available to me right now, today, to create wealth in my own life and to assist others in doing the same, that becomes my reality. Success truly is all in your head.

When God created the world, did he fear there might not be enough carbon for all the life forms in his imagination? Does He tell us to hunker down in fear or to be fruitful and multiply? Being fruitful and multiplying requires faith, confidence, and optimism. What is success other than the reality of being fruitful and multiplying? If success is indeed all in my head as the evidence proves, then I have a divine mandate to become as successful as possible in my life today. So do you. Open your eyes and look for ways to bring increase in your life and in the life of others. Fear will be dispelled just as light dispels darkness.

To your immense Success,
Sandra Hayes

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