Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Optimistic Belief Is The Real Key To Success

What sets successful home business entrepreneurs apart from everyone else? What do we see and believe that others are afraid of ? Ed and I market personal development products for aspiring entrepreneurs. These products themselves empower the user to change limiting beliefs into powerful optimism about what we are capable of achieving. But the first step any of us must take on this path is to have an open mind. I looked around and saw a lot of successful people (defined as those making multiple six figure incomes every year with time freedom to live out their dreams). Did I see people who didn't succeed? Of course! But to me they don't matter. The only thing that matters is that success is possible.

If success in business or any area of life is possible for one person, then it's possible for millions of people. Did the successful people start out certain of failure? Of course not - that would have meant giving up at the beginning. God wired our minds and spirits to achieve greatness. If not, we would all still be living in caves and eating raw nuts and fruit. In fact, if we weren't born with optimistic belief in ourselves and our abilities, none of us would have learned to crawl, let alone walk.

It's so sad that most people look at a powerful opportunity like ours and immediately focus on the reasons it won't work for them. When this happens, we bid them well and move on to those who really desire to change their situation. Only people with optimistic belief can ever move beyond their present circumstances. It takes optimisitic belief to take risks and look for solutions. Do you know anyone who has truly achieved their dream goals in life who wasn't willing to take a risk and look for ways to make it happen?

I am so grateful today that I overcame some initial doubt and made my decisions based on optimistic faith. Giving up and giving in is a sad but common way to live. Finding solutions and believing success is possible makes life really worth living. I am studying Acts in my Disciple Bible study class. Regardless of their previous beliefs and failures, the Apostles, empowered by the Holy Spirit, moved forward with optimistic belief and watched miracles occur as a result. I am grateful to be tapped into this same power today.

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