Thursday, February 19, 2009

How To Accelerate Results in This Simple Business

Everyday, Monday through Friday, at 11:00 AM EST, I am blessed to be able to listen to a Wake Up To Success Call. This call is hosted by our company, Liberty League International, and the leader who masterminds the call is usually Tony Rush. Tony is a guy we have known since we became associates here almost 3 years ago. He has mentored, inspired, and encouraged me on many occasions. This week has been no exception.

This week's wake-up topic has been "certainty." This is a word most of us don't think about often. It's especially not one the masses think about because they are on autopilot much of the time and actually think very little. If they (and I used to be one) started thinking, they would realize that their lives are not nearly as fulfilling as they envisioned when they were children. So the first question I started asking myself when I started to think was, "What can I do differently that will take my life to a new level?" I didn't want to leave this earth without having achieved my true purpose.

The answer for me has been to just make up my mind (Andy Andrews says to have a decided heart) and take the action to achieve this purpose. Where to start? First of all, I have to ask myself if achieving my purpose is possible. If I have more doubt than faith, then I can forget it right now. How can I have faith in achieving something I've never achieved before? Look around! Have others achieved it? The fact is, if God has put a desire in my heart, He has also provided a way for me to achieve this desire. So now I seek out the company of those who have achieved goals on a level with the ones I now have. I hang out with them, watch what they do and how they talk, and simply know that my desires have a certain outcome.

This sounds very simple, I know. Tony did a great job of making a graph that depicts the steps to take from unbelief to certainty. After all, if you don't even believe something is going to happen for you, you won't take any action to make it happen. See how important belief is? For example I want a new Volvo V70. I have been looking at them online and in the showroom. I have compared the features of the V70 versus the XC90 and know that the V70 will better serve me. Tomorrow I am going to test drive one and discuss with our friend, Bob, how soon I can be in possession of my new car. This has gone from wishing and hoping to taking the actual steps to to making the desire a reality.

So look at your dreams. Are they dusty? Have you been afraid to even think about them? Are you guilty of using such excuses as "I'm too old,", "I'm too young," "I don't have any education," "This is not a good time because of the economy."? Remember that success in any area begins with belief, which leads to hope, which leads to action. Once you are taking action, know with certainty that your goal is about to be achieved. If you want to know more about how this works, contact me. It's what I do for a living. In my amazingly simple business, I just show others what is possible.

To your success.

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