Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where's The Light Switch?

Many of us baby boomers grew up to believe that if we got an education, found a good job (one that put us in the middle of the middle class), and were loyal to our boss (showed up and did what was expected), we could live comfortably (scrimp, save, and do without), we could expect to retire at age 65, and continue to live frugally until we are called home (die). Then, somehow, our country's economy starting to unravel. And as with most things that unravel, it started slowly and then got so out of control it seemed impossible to repair the damage. So here we are in early 2009 groping in the dark for answers to questions we never expected to ask. It's as if someone turned out the light and we need help finding the switch.

I am so grateful that I found the switch before the lights went out. Amazingly enough, I realized several years ago that there is no security in a job. And what really irked me, was the realization that we have been misled by the establishment into thinking there was. Now I'm really glad this is true because I realize that I'm not really a victim because I have the power to create my own reality. No one is smarter or more capable of achieving greatness than I am. As a child I believed this but somehow stopped believing it as I got older.

The good news is that since I discovered this great truth, I now have the ability and desire to show others this truth as well. Since I know where the light switch is, I can dispel the darkness for others. I've been reading the Gospel of John for a class I lead at church. John uses the words light and darkness often as metaphors for the truth versus deception. That is how I see all of life. There is truth and there is non-truth. Abundance and possibility are truth. Scarcity and impossibility are non-truths.

For anyone who feels despondent and unsure of the future, my advice is to take a deep breath and relax. There are solutions if we but allow them to manifest for us. Simply reading this message today may spark the answer you seek. After all, once the light switch has been activated, there is no longer darkness.

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