Monday, May 11, 2009

Why The Fear About Starting A Home Business?

Since so many people say they want to work from home, why does there seem to be so much fear concerning the idea of starting a home business? My guess is that there are a number of reasons. For one, human beings have been conditioned to be suspicious of everyone and everything overing hope because of the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it is." It saddens me to think of all the missed opportunities in life because people succumbed to fear rather than faith that success and happiness are indeed possible.

Another reason people are afraid is simply because they would have to do something they've not done before. However, if we all look back on our lives, everything we've done we had to do for the first time at some point, right? Examples are crawling, walking, riding a bicycle, writing a paper, starting a job, etc. But we did it and soon learned it really wasn't as big a deal as we had imagined. It's the same with starting a home business. When you look around and see that thousands of people are happy and successful working a business from home, then there's every reason to believe that you also can be happy and successful doing the same thing.

For me, the scary part was that I had never been self-employed before - except for that brief time in the early '80s when I was a Mary Kay Consultant. Maybe that's another issue for some people - either they or someone they know "tried" a home based business in the past and didn't achieve the success they desired. Thank goodness I faced my fear and decided that the possibility of success outweighed my fear of failure. After all, I was the reason I didn't succeed the first time. Mary Kay is still a thriving business with many successful consultants.

Granted, there have always been fly-by-night companies that offer no real substance to their promises. However, due diligence includes talking to people who have actually succeeded in a company - lots of people - and reveals a company's merits. That is certainly the case with the company we work with - Liberty League International. It's almost 8 years old and growing like crazy. This only happens when people of high integrity are at the helm.

My personal goal is to assist anyone who desires to take their life to a new level. And I am eager to assist them today, not tomorrow. Anyone can find an excuse not to do something. I challenge you to find one reason to do something and do it today. The life change will be dramatic. Otherwise, one stays stuck in fear. Only the brave achieve their true dreams. I'm really glad I overcame my fear of starting a home business!

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