Saturday, November 3, 2007

Simply Having Fun In Business and Life

At a recent Liberty Conference in Cancun, Mexico, some leaders in our company told us that simply having fun is a key ingredient to business success. One of my best friends, who takes her business very seriously, kept repeating, "They never told us we needed to have fun before." This was my third Liberty Conference and I keep having more fun at each one. Never mind that I learn a lot of stuff and get to tax deduct the trip.

Yes, it's sadly funny, that a lot people think that work and fun are unrelated. Also, how fun is it when you think it's something you are "supposed" to be doing? I'm just throwing this idea out to let you know that whatever your state of mind, it carries over into the other areas of your life. Would you rather spend time, either in business or socially, with someone who has fun and enjoys their life, or with someone who takes things seriously all the time?

Even when I worked at a J-O-B, I had fun. "How can working as a nurse with sick people all day ever be fun?" you ask. Even sick people like to laugh - it helps them get better faster. Now that I am my own boss, my job is way more fun than ever. I play more than ever. I have more time to read funny stuff. And making a lot of money is really fun!!

I hope you're having fun today. Having fun increases your creativity and improves your immune system. If you'd like to look into a business where simply having fun is part of the formula for success, this is it.

To Your Success and Happiness,
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

You Can Succeed In Your Ideal Home Business

Everyday I talk to people who are wanting to make a positive change in their lives. Many folks, and you may be one of them, are disillusioned with their jobs and the way things are looking for the future. I have asked many questions to help others find the answers that would help them personally. Invariably, people are looking for financial and time freedom. This leads to the idea of working for oneself in a home based, mobile kind of business. If you are one of these people looking for this kind of freedom, I want you to know that you absolutely have what it takes to succeed in your ideal home business.

Beginning in childhood, we all have visions of great achievements. I know my dream has always been to help lots of people become successful at overcoming adversities, including poverty, illness, and hopelessness. This led me to become a registered nurse, where I was able to help people for 31 years. As we all know, life tends to throw curve balls and derail our progress at times. The blessing in this is to be able to see a challenge as an opportunity.

Right now, if you are frustrated with your career and the future it holds, consider that frustration an opportunity to look for a better alternative. Fear of the unknown often keeps us stuck in our frustration. I challenge you to look at the opportunities you have today. I was in the same position of frustration and fear not so long ago. When I decided to take action, I joined a company totally dedicated to help people like me achieve new levels of financial and personal success.

It really is amazingly simple. So if you are asking yourself what the ideal home business looks like, contact me. My business is helping you figure out what it is that you are looking for. Then you can decide for yourself if this business resonates with you. You deserve to achieve all you want to in life. It's what you were created for. You know you want it, you deserve it, and you have what it takes to succeed in your own ideal home business. All that's required at this point is for you to do the research.

To Your Amazing Success,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Business Success Is Simply Getting What You Want

The goal in business as in anything, is simply to get what you want. Actually, the most difficult and crucial part of starting a business is deciding exactly what you want to achieve. After that, the steps necessary to achieve that goal fall into place.

We all have our reasons for leaving the corporate world in order to work for ourselves. For me personally, I wanted more time and money to enjoy life and make a difference to the people around me. Parents often want to spend more time with their children and perhaps even home school them. Artists want more time and energy to be creative. After all, working 40-80 hours a week to get someone else what they want really takes its toll on your creative energy.

Just this week I heard that 1 in 6 people in the United States now work from home. And approximately 175,000 people are expected to start a home business next year. This tells me that people are very aware that entrepreneurship is the ticket to making life better.

If you've been kicking around the idea of starting a home business, you are in the exact right place at the exact right time. After all, suceess in business and especially in a business you work on your terms, is simply a matter of getting what you want. Contact me today and you can be on your way to getting what you want by tomorrow.

To Your Amazing Success,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Define Simple Business

When someone decides they've had enough of working for someone else and are ready to start their own business, what criteria matter the most? Most people look for such things as profitability, start-up costs, training or expertise required, and marketability. Many of us who are now home based entrepreneurs talked to other entrepeneurs and searched the internet or business opportunity section of newspapers and magazines. Some may have read books on how to start a business. So how do you actually define a simple business that you or I can make a lot of money doing?

For Ed and me it wasn't very hard. We talked to someone already in the business. He had us listen to a 25 minute business overview call which explained the nuts and bolts of everything. The call pretty much answered all the questions we had. Sounded very lucrative and ingenious to us. In fact, the longer we're a part of this company and the more time we spend with the co-founders, the simpler the whole thing becomes.

Just today one of the co-founders was talking about how important it is to keep this business simple so that other, average people like us, can also make an extraordinary amount of money without having to learn of lot of skills or spend too much time at it. His premise is that we only truly succeed when we are having fun doing what we do. In fact, we actually do an adult form of Simon Says. This really workis for me because my goals are simple. I want to make a lot of money without spending a lot of time doing it so I can spend time doing other things.

Those other things include volunteer work, sailing, reading, and travelling. Also, I know that I will succeed only to the degree that I am serving others. You see, my purpose is all about making a difference and glorifying my creator. So, when I define a simple business, it really has to be simple. Because I don't have time to learn and do a lot of complicated things. Life is too short.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, September 13, 2007

How Long Will It Take?

If you continue working at your current job, how long will it take you to become independently wealthy? The answer to this question depends on several factors. These include the income you generate, your expenses, the investments you make, and your self-discipline. If you are earning less than $100,000 a year, you will probably never become independently wealthy unless you inherit a sizable chunk of cash. After all, there are only so many hours in a day that you can work, right?

So what are your options? Besides working for someone else, there is multi-level marketing with uplines, downlines, products to warehouse, and meetings to attend or conduct. There are franchises with large initial investments and then long hours in order to "pay yourself" a salary no where near what you deserve. There are brick and mortar businesses that also require a huge amount of time and money on your part. Real estate investing or selling is another option, also requiring either money or time.

These are the reasons our company came into existence. Our co-founders have a vision of helping as many people as possible become millionaires with a proven system and quality products. We have a simple three-step system that anyone can duplicate. The initial investment is up to the person who chooses to become an associate.

The bottom line is that large profits are available to everyone on an equal basis. For this reason people come here to become millionaires rather trying it someplace else. The earning potential is large, multiple six figures in the first year. No one knows how long their life will be. Most of us have dreams of travelling and experiencing many things that weren't even possible 25 or 50 years ago.

If you are like me, you'd like to get things rolling in a hurry. I have a list of 101 things to do before I die (I've already done many of them so I keep adding new ones) and most of them require time and money. I am grateful to have both. What about your list? Do you have one? Have you started checking things off? If nothing changes, how long will it take you to achieve your goals? I stand ready to assist you in making it happen - soon.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Job Security

This past Monday was Labor Day in the United States. This is a holiday which was created to recognize the men and women who work all year for an employer. These employees are rewarded with a paid day off in recognition for their devotion to their job for the remainder of the year. Paid holidays, such as Labor Day, are important to workers who have traded their time and energy for money and the "job security" it represents.

Just a couple of generations ago most Americans were actually entrepreneurs. Most people worked in agriculture on the family farm. If one's family didn't actually own a farm, then many people worked for someone who did own a farm. It was a minority of people who ran businesses or provided services to others for pay.

As agriculture came to be done more by machines, fewer people could produce more crops. As a result, farms became larger because machines can do a whole lot more a whole lot faster than people and animals can. The larger farms displaced the people who used to live on small farms and sent them to the cities to look for work. Textile, steel, and automobile factories became huge places for employment for millions of Americans in the 20th century. Unions came into existence and factory workers achieved minimum wages and as many "benefits" as their union representatives could negotiate for them. This was the case for a couple of generations at least. People worked 40 and sometimes even 50 years for the same company and retired with a pension and other benefits such as health insurance.

Toward the end of the 20th century, this situation changed rapidly. As most of us are aware, many factory jobs have been relocated to other countries where the expected wage is much lower. So the very benefits people worked so hard to attain were gone in a flash. What to do now? For most middle and upper class workers the 40-hour work week is a distant memory. To achieve any kind of job security, middle management and executive level employees know they are expected to work many more than 40 hours per week. And job security is a misnomer. Corporate buyouts, takeovers, outsourcing and restructuring leave no security whatsoever.

These are the reasons for our amazingly simple home business. Ours is a business you own for yourself but not by yourself. The company co-founders saw the need for a simple home based business in direct sales. They developed three unique products in the personal development arena with one profit going to one person. With this proven and very successful company, the only job security you need is within you. Take a look. You'll be in great company. And you can have any holiday you want with the pay you determine.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, August 27, 2007

Entrepreneurship is Serious Business

So, right now, you are exploring the option of starting your own business. Have you ever owned your own business before? What is it about working for yourself that attracts you? Are you simply fed up with selling your time to someone else so you can help them succeed? I can understand that. Have you read the statistics and do you understand that becoming an entrepreneur is serious business?

When I say serious business, I mean it takes knowledge, commitment, and some startup captital. You have to understand the business and its products, believe in what you are doing, and be committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed. Some people come up with their own products to market while others of us join forces with an existing business to market their products.

More people sell an existing product than actually invent or develop their own products. This is perfectly fine and is called free enterprise. It simply means buying products at wholesale and selling them at retail. This is exactly the system we use in our direct sales home business. We market personal development products which are a very hot commodity today. We are totally committed to helping you learn about the business and how to get started in it. We will coach you to success. All we ask of you is to follow the leader. If you really want to succeed in business, simply do what those who are succeeding do. How simple is that?

If you are really committed to changing your life by taking charge of your time and income, contact us. This is the business I am committed to. My chief goal is to help you find what you're looking for. If it happens to be what I'm doing, I promise to mentor you to achieving your own goals. Entrepreneurship is serious business. It is also fun and an amazingly simple way to achieve your income goals. Stop working for someone else and start having fun today.

Talk to You Soon,
Sandra Hayes

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Are You Really Coachable and Trainable?

Our business model follows a simple three-step plan which is why I consider this an amazingly simple home business. The criteria we seek as we qualify people who are interested in becoming our associates include their desire and whether they are coachable and trainable. To insure their success in our business, we are looking for people who have a desire to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. Since we will be their mentors for success, we seek to work with people who will learn what we teach and do what we do.

So the question is: Why are so many of us neither coachable nor trainable, even though we say we are? When you consider that your own best thinking has gotten you to the exact place you are right now, don't you see the advantage to changing a few things so you can improve in at least one area? Is your pride keeping you from changing something? Where will that get you? Exactly where you are.

We looked carefully at this business model before deciding to make it our business last year. We saw a 6-year history of success. We talked to numerous people who were living the lifestyles and achieving the success we desire. We met these people in person, availed ourselves of the personal development products, and allowed ourselves to be coached and trained to a new level of existence. As a result, we are now part of the coaching and training team. I say "team," because we all continue to be mentored by those who know more than we do even as we mentor others.

If you are looking for a new and better way of working and living and consider yourself coachable and trainable, contact us. We will help you explore where you are now and where you want to be. As a result, together we will be able to decide if our business could be your business.

To Your Success.
Sandra Hayes

"You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." – Zig Ziglar

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It'a All About Service

Regardless of the business you're in, your success depends upon the service you give to your customers. Service can be in the product which adds more value to your customer's life than its cost. Service can also be in the form of the opportunity you provide your customer/client.

To quote Wallace Wattles from The Science of Getting Rich, "Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world by every cash transaction." The idea behind successful entrepreneurship is for us all to increase, the one offering the service as well as the one being served.

It this sounds too altruistic, I invite you to read Wattles' book. My business philosophy is based on his thinking. I proudly market a product that helps people to become better personally, financially, and relationally. Personal development products do that in a very profound way. And the best part is they are totally natural and good for you. As a nurse, I really like that. It really is all about service.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, August 13, 2007

Everything To Gain

Starting today, right now, based on your decision to simply take action, you have everything to gain. This attitude is so important in propelling all of us to success. The entrepreneur mindset is one of burning desire, positive thinking, total faith, and the ability to visualize the desired outcome. When you become laser focused on achieving a goal, any goal, you have everything to gain.

In our home based business of network marketing, goal setting is the first step toward success. The next step is to take the action necessary to achieve the goal. This usually involves taking a series of steps and achieving small goals which in turn lead to the achievement of the ultimate goal. The third step is personal development which involves learning to think successfully. The fourth step is to mastermind with other leaders in order to learn what they are doing and how they are thinking. The final step is to become a leader in thought and action.

If you have these qualities or would like to develop these qualities in you life, contact me. I would love to be the leader you are looking for to assist you in achieving success as an entrepreneur. We both have everything to gain as we achieve success in this amazingly simple home business.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Achieving Financial Independence

Most of us have a desire to become financially independent so we have the time and resources to live life on our terms. Many of us grew up hearing that the only way to make a lot of money is to work hard. We were taught that the only way to be successful is to go to college and get a degree. We heard that the best plan for success is to get a job with a big company, work for 40 years and then retire with a gold watch.

But these ideas haven't really made us, our parents, or our friends financially independent, have they? Since changing my paradigm and reading books on financial success, I learned that I was the obstacle to achieving wealth. My own best thinking had gotten me to where I was. My life has drastically changed since I changed my way of thinking. I am now a successful entrepreneur working from home on my terms. I would never have achieved financial independence in my previous career as an RN working for a large corporation.

All of the books on financial success I have read, such as Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, list lucrative ways to achieve wealth. But the first thing one must do is to change their Money Blueprint. This requires us to change how we view wealth and its emotional ties to our past.

The products and system we have with Liberty League International offer one of the best ways around for someone to start their own home-based business with ample training and a relatively small investment. My goal is to mentor anyone who has the desire to change their current financial situation to one of financial independence. This means giving you the business tools you need as well as the personal development tools to help you allow wealth into your life. The choice is yours. I urge you to choose financial independence.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

If Not Now, When?

If we don't take action now, then how do we expect our situations to change? Most of us want our lives to be different. We want to have more wealth. We want more free time to do the things we've long dreamed of doing. We keep saying, "One day..." How long has this been your song? If you don't do it now, then when do you think you will?

Fear causes inertia. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid you might fail, or are you afraid you might succeed? Your choice is to take control of your life or leave it in the control of someone else - either way, things are constantly changing. I have a lot to be thankful for right now. But I'm intelligent enough to know that "right now" doesn't last. I can either watch things unfold in my life under someone else's control, or I can create my own future, starting RIGHT NOW.

Another possibility for failing to take action is a lack of belief, mainly in yourself. If you look at successful people, they first believed they would succeed before they actually did. You see, if you don't believe something is possible for you right now, in your lifetime, then it's pretty certain it won't happen. You will actually prevent it from happening unless you truly believe.

I believe I can achieve anything I have a desire to achieve. I am in the process of making my desires come true. I also believe you are capable of more than you may be allowing yourself to even consider. If you don't do anything differently than you are doing today, how will your life look in in the next 5 or 10 years? Do something today to accomplish your goal. You owe it to yourself, to your family, to all of mankind, and to your creator. If not today, when will you decide to take action?

What I want for myself, I want for everyone, including you. Contact me today and I will explore your desires and how you can take the steps to achieve them.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Corporate Burnout

Burnout is a common symptom among corporate executives. They start out all gung ho, planning to make a difference for their employer with an increase in wealth and lifestyle choices for themselves. So they work harder and longer, usually making a decent salary, but the time and stress factors eventually take their toll. And when there is no relief in sight, corporate burnout sets in.

Maybe you're in this category right now. I wasn't exactly a corporate executive but as a 31-year veteran nurse, I too was tired of giving and giving. I kept telling myself I was making a difference and it was okay not to be financially wealthy but I grew increasingly dissatisfied. When we find ourselves dissatisfied to the point of dreading to go to work, it's time for a change.

Now I make a different difference in people's lives. I start with a conversation to help them determine where they are now and where they'd like to be in the next month, year, and five years. If they are ready to make some bold changes, I am here to lead the way. It's working for me and thousands of other entrepreneurs and it can work for them. There is a better way. Life is meant to be productive, enjoyable, and enriching. We have to receive in order to be able to give.

If corporate burnout is in your picture today, start looking for some options.

Contact me. I've been there and I found a better way.

To your health and success,

Sandra Hayes


Monday, July 2, 2007

Being Self-Employed

What does being self-employed look like? If you're thinking of starting your own home-based business, you probably have an idea of what your life will look like. How will it be different from what you're accustomed to? Will you spend more time sleeping, reading, travelling, parenting or working? Being an entrepreneur still requires work because you are running a business after all. The difference is that you keep all the profits and not just a small fraction.

Many people dream of being self-employed but don't seriously assess the risks and benefits. The risks are that there is no guarantee of a steady paycheck. The benefit is that the sky is the limit when it comes to income. No set wages means you decide what you will earn. After all, you're the employer, right? Another huge benefit for me is that I decide how much vacation I can take. When I worked as a nurse, I was very limited in both the amount I could earn and in the amount of vacation I could take. I wasn't even allowed time off without pay!

Some other considerations include the integrity of the company as well as the training and support being provided. Also, I needed to know the investment required and if products needed to be stocked and shipped. The company I chose to work with, Liberty League International, exceeded my requirements. The compensation plan is the best in the business, the training and support are over the top, and I can conduct the business anywhere with a cell phone and a laptop computer. If being self-employed like this sounds interesting to you, contact me. My business is helping people just like you.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Simple Business - Amazing Benefits

Do you realize that you actually have what it takes to start your own simple home-based business? The business we chose and love offers some amazing benefits in addition to the financial rewards. For instance, as I type this blog entry, I am sitting in our hotel suite in the Intercontinental Hotel in Sydney, Australia. Visiting Australia has been a long dream of mine and here I am at a conference with friends and associates who share my lifestyle choices. We've been sight-seeing and learned some amazing facts about this wonderful country.

As the week progresses, we will learn some amazing facts about ourselves as well and what we are capable of achieving. You know, we are always capable of achieving more. All it takes is a decision followed by action. Why do we humans too often think of something we would like to do, like visit Australia, but allow ourselves to succumb to reasons we think our desire is unattainable? Our God-given ability to dream and believe only needs a little nourishment to take root and eventually grow into reality.

Look at my picture. I'm an average-looking person with average intelligence (well, maybe a little above average intelligence). I'm not famous nor do I come from a prestigious pedigree. But the very fact that I am a human being with a brain and emotions gives me abilities far greater than even I am aware of. Yet...
Join me on this quest to live a life free of limits. I'm in the process of achieving one major goal. How about you? Are you ready to start a business that will offer you more amazing benefits than you can imagine?

To Your Success.
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Beyond Mediocrity

Is it time for you to move beyond mediocrity? Are you ready to leave the 97 percent and join the 3 percent who dare to challenge the status quo? Everyone has their reason for staying in their so-called comfort zone. But how comfortable is it to live on someone else's terms? How comfortable is having your life, that is your time and income, dictated by someone else? Most people assume this is how life is meant to be and are afraid to consider alternatives.

Entrepreneurship is certainly not for everyone. For one thing, it requires a leap of faith. It also requires tenacity. A simple business is still a business which requires time and effort to succeed. With that said, the rewards of entrepreneurship are so worth whatever investment is required. What is the price of mediocrity after all? I know full well the price of mediocrity because I spent way too many years paying it. The price I paid was my time, energy, and sense of personal fulfillment. I lived in fear of losing a job which enabled me to barely make ends meet. At the end of my 11-hour workday, I was too exhausted to do anything. Bottom line, I was used up by an ungrateful employer.

When I first learned of a home business opportunity that lets me decide how much money I want to earn, I thought it sounded too good to be true. After I did my due diligence, however, I learned that this is indeed a solid and very lucrative business. I am so grateful I had the courage to make this leap of faith. Afer all, it was a big adjustment going from being an employee to being self-employed. I had to adjust to waking up when I wake up instead of when an alarm clock goes off. I had to adjust to deciding how to structure my time. I had to adjust to the idea of payday being any day and even everyday instead of receiving a set amount every two weeks. I had to adjust to the idea of vacationing as often as I desire instead of budgeting my limited annual time off. Don't worry - I think I'm making the adjustments just fine.

If you think you're ready to move beyond mediocrity, fill out the form on this page. There is no obligation. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to help others move from a life of mediocrity to one full of possibilities.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blank Becomes Entrepreneur

In my case, it's Registered Nurse Becomes Entrepreneur. For my husband, it reads Retired Air Force Maintenance Officer Becomes Entrepreneur. Our daughter's title is Teacher Becomes Entrepreneur. And the list goes on and on. The bottom line is that anyone with a dream of doing something different with their education and skills can decide to be self-employed.

Some people, like our daughter, made this decision at a young age. Others of us stayed in "the box" and worked for someone else until we found the courage to set ourselves free. We eventually decided that "enough is enough" and if "blank" can become an entrepreneur, so can I. Wow! What a Concept! We are now free to spend our time the way we decide. We can be creative with our business and do it our way instead of someone else's way. And we now have unlimited potential for financial success. No more waiting and hoping for a raise - just set goals, do the thing, and expect the rewards. I really am glad I made this choice.

How about you? Is it time for you to decide to become an entrepreneur? You already have what it takes. Just decide and then your former title can fill in the blank. I look forward to hearing your story and helping you decide on the next chapter. Fill out the form and I'll call you back. It really is amazingly simple.

To Your Success,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Home Based Business Boom

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a sudden boom in home-based businesses? Yesterday's local paper had a pull-out business section devoted to home-based businesses. I remember several years ago telling my hairdresser that my eventual goal was to work from home. Her response was, "Yeah, right. Wouldn't we all like to be able to do that." At the time it may have sounded far-fetched but not anymore. In my last blog I explored why people make this decision.

Now, let's explore the different kinds of opportunities that can be operated from home. Business niche ideas usual arise from someone needing a product or service they cannot find so they decide to start a business to help themselves as well as others. I have a friend with a home-based welding business. Our daughter has a business providing products for home-based candle consultants. Another friend was unsuccessful with a cleaning franchise. And there's the skin care franchise and other home party type businesses. If you have a passion or hobby, you can find a way to market it. Some examples are cookware, storage containers, children's toys, and home decorations.

Franchises are often the easiest businesses to get into because they are established, usually have a model to follow, and offer training and products. When I was looking for a business, my main criteria were an easy-to-follow and proven business model, authentic leadership, affordable start-up costs, and quality products. The market for personal development products is becoming more lucrative by the day. I take great pride in being able to offer people something I truly believe in and know can help them achieve their personal and fincancial goals.

If you are exploring options for getting you out of a stress-filled job and in charge of your life, fill out the form on this page, and I will contact you within 24 hours. The home-based business boom may be beckoning you into its ranks.

To Your Success.

The Home Based Business Boom

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a sudden boom in home-based businesses? Yesterday's local paper had a pull-out business section devoted to home-based businesses. I remember several years ago telling my hairdresser that my eventual goal was to work from home. Her response was, "Yeah, right. Wouldn't we all like to be able to do that." At the time it may have sounded far-fetched but not anymore. In my last blog I explored why people make this decision.

Now, let's explore the different kinds of opportunities that can be operated from home. Business niche ideas usual arise from someone needing a product or service they cannot find so they decide to start a business to help themselves as well as others. I have a friend with a home-based welding business. Our daughter has a business providing products for home-based candle consultants. Another friend was unsuccessful with a cleaning franchise. And there's the skin care franchise and other home party type businesses. If you have a passion or hobby, you can find a way to market it. Some examples are cookware, storage containers, children's toys, and home decorations.

Franchises are often the easiest businesses to get into because they are established, usually have a model to follow, and offer training and products. When I was looking for a business, my main criteria were an easy-to-follow and proven business model, authentic leadership, affordable start-up costs, and quality products. The market for personal development products is becoming more lucrative by the day. I take great pride in being able to offer people something I truly believe in and know can help them achieve their personal and fincancial goals.

If you are exploring options for getting you out of a stress-filled job and in charge of your life, fill out the form on this page, and I will contact you within 24 hours. The home-based business boom may be beckoning you into its ranks.

To Your Success.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why Work At Home?

Why does a person decide to leave the corporate world and work at home? There are as many answers as there are types of people. Moms and Dads want to take care of their own children and spend as much time with them as possible. Retired people want to stay active and create wealth to enjoy life. Baby boomers may be tired of making someone else rich. Young professionals have big dreams and know that the quickest way to succeed is to be an entrepreneur.

Visualize your new life. How do freedom from a boss and unlimited wealth feel? How are your relationships? What new goals do you have? Who benefits from your decision to become an entrepreneur? There is no obligation to check out our opportunity and your information will remain confidential. After you submit your information, I will call you for a 5-10 minute conversation to help you explore what you're looking for.

You deserve to live the life of your dreams, on your terms, starting today.

To Your Success,


Friday, May 25, 2007

Simple System - Your Decision

Lately I've been exploring what an ideal home business looks like. It must have a simple system for me to follow. Also, I want to be able to make my own decisions and achieve meaningful goals.

With these ideas in mind, let's look at the field of personal development and network marketing. Personal development encourages us to meditate, visualize and journal everyday. Also, we are blessed with a community of like-minded leaders with whom we can mastermind everday.

Network marketing provides us with the products to sell and a substantial income to earn. Our system is simple and anyone can do it. My question to you is, "Are you willing to do it?" We are simply looking for the person who is coachable and trainable. The training is readily available and the start-up cost is quite reasonable. The only difficult part is making the decision.

To become informed about this simple system so you can make your own life-changing decision, submit your contact information or leave me a message at 800-852-7695. I or one of my associates will get back to you within 24 hours.

In His Service,

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Starting Your Own Home Business

Are you ready to start your own home business and make an amazing life for yourself? When you think about all the things you have already accomplished and all the knowledge you already possess, you really are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

I am a human being just like you. We all have the same DNA, same cell structure, same body parts, and the same emotions. So let's join forces to make the world a better place by allowing ourselves to achieve our dreams. We owe it to ourselves, our families, our creator, and our world. I look forward to assisting you in starting your own business.

Email me at or visit our webpage
You can also leave me a message at 1-800-852-7695.
You will hear from me or one of my associates within 24 hours and together we will explore your goals.

In His Service,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Believe and Achieve - It's Amazingly Simple

Do you believe you can achieve anything? Are you living the life of your dreams right this minute? Is there an area you would like to change? I thought I was happy with my nursing job until I honestly began to take stock of what I really want to achieve with the remainder of my life. I am as healthy, as young, and as purpose driven as I will ever be. So it was time to make some gutsy decisions if my life were to look any different than it has for many years.

What about you? Are you ready to do something more meaningful than what you are doing now? Would you like to be able to earn in a month what most people earn in a year? Would you like to be in control of your time with the freedom to do what you want whenever you choose? And would you like the opportunity to improve all areas of your life, financially, spiritually, mentally, and socially? Would you like to travel to exotic places like Hawaii, Mexico, Australia, and South Africa, deducting the costs on your income taxes? Believe me when I tell you that you deserve to be prosperous and abundant in all areas of your life.

The best news of all is that you don't have to create a new business to achieve this. We have a simple, proven system with training and support. In addition, we are a family of like-minded folks with the simple goal of living beyond freedom as we assist other people in doing the same. If you would like more information about how to achieve the life you're dreaming of, call me at my home office or send me an email. I look forward to helping you with your own home business.

In His Service,
Sandra Hayes

Telephone 800-852-7695