Thursday, September 13, 2007

How Long Will It Take?

If you continue working at your current job, how long will it take you to become independently wealthy? The answer to this question depends on several factors. These include the income you generate, your expenses, the investments you make, and your self-discipline. If you are earning less than $100,000 a year, you will probably never become independently wealthy unless you inherit a sizable chunk of cash. After all, there are only so many hours in a day that you can work, right?

So what are your options? Besides working for someone else, there is multi-level marketing with uplines, downlines, products to warehouse, and meetings to attend or conduct. There are franchises with large initial investments and then long hours in order to "pay yourself" a salary no where near what you deserve. There are brick and mortar businesses that also require a huge amount of time and money on your part. Real estate investing or selling is another option, also requiring either money or time.

These are the reasons our company came into existence. Our co-founders have a vision of helping as many people as possible become millionaires with a proven system and quality products. We have a simple three-step system that anyone can duplicate. The initial investment is up to the person who chooses to become an associate.

The bottom line is that large profits are available to everyone on an equal basis. For this reason people come here to become millionaires rather trying it someplace else. The earning potential is large, multiple six figures in the first year. No one knows how long their life will be. Most of us have dreams of travelling and experiencing many things that weren't even possible 25 or 50 years ago.

If you are like me, you'd like to get things rolling in a hurry. I have a list of 101 things to do before I die (I've already done many of them so I keep adding new ones) and most of them require time and money. I am grateful to have both. What about your list? Do you have one? Have you started checking things off? If nothing changes, how long will it take you to achieve your goals? I stand ready to assist you in making it happen - soon.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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