Sunday, June 24, 2007

Simple Business - Amazing Benefits

Do you realize that you actually have what it takes to start your own simple home-based business? The business we chose and love offers some amazing benefits in addition to the financial rewards. For instance, as I type this blog entry, I am sitting in our hotel suite in the Intercontinental Hotel in Sydney, Australia. Visiting Australia has been a long dream of mine and here I am at a conference with friends and associates who share my lifestyle choices. We've been sight-seeing and learned some amazing facts about this wonderful country.

As the week progresses, we will learn some amazing facts about ourselves as well and what we are capable of achieving. You know, we are always capable of achieving more. All it takes is a decision followed by action. Why do we humans too often think of something we would like to do, like visit Australia, but allow ourselves to succumb to reasons we think our desire is unattainable? Our God-given ability to dream and believe only needs a little nourishment to take root and eventually grow into reality.

Look at my picture. I'm an average-looking person with average intelligence (well, maybe a little above average intelligence). I'm not famous nor do I come from a prestigious pedigree. But the very fact that I am a human being with a brain and emotions gives me abilities far greater than even I am aware of. Yet...
Join me on this quest to live a life free of limits. I'm in the process of achieving one major goal. How about you? Are you ready to start a business that will offer you more amazing benefits than you can imagine?

To Your Success.
Sandra Hayes

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