Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Job Security

This past Monday was Labor Day in the United States. This is a holiday which was created to recognize the men and women who work all year for an employer. These employees are rewarded with a paid day off in recognition for their devotion to their job for the remainder of the year. Paid holidays, such as Labor Day, are important to workers who have traded their time and energy for money and the "job security" it represents.

Just a couple of generations ago most Americans were actually entrepreneurs. Most people worked in agriculture on the family farm. If one's family didn't actually own a farm, then many people worked for someone who did own a farm. It was a minority of people who ran businesses or provided services to others for pay.

As agriculture came to be done more by machines, fewer people could produce more crops. As a result, farms became larger because machines can do a whole lot more a whole lot faster than people and animals can. The larger farms displaced the people who used to live on small farms and sent them to the cities to look for work. Textile, steel, and automobile factories became huge places for employment for millions of Americans in the 20th century. Unions came into existence and factory workers achieved minimum wages and as many "benefits" as their union representatives could negotiate for them. This was the case for a couple of generations at least. People worked 40 and sometimes even 50 years for the same company and retired with a pension and other benefits such as health insurance.

Toward the end of the 20th century, this situation changed rapidly. As most of us are aware, many factory jobs have been relocated to other countries where the expected wage is much lower. So the very benefits people worked so hard to attain were gone in a flash. What to do now? For most middle and upper class workers the 40-hour work week is a distant memory. To achieve any kind of job security, middle management and executive level employees know they are expected to work many more than 40 hours per week. And job security is a misnomer. Corporate buyouts, takeovers, outsourcing and restructuring leave no security whatsoever.

These are the reasons for our amazingly simple home business. Ours is a business you own for yourself but not by yourself. The company co-founders saw the need for a simple home based business in direct sales. They developed three unique products in the personal development arena with one profit going to one person. With this proven and very successful company, the only job security you need is within you. Take a look. You'll be in great company. And you can have any holiday you want with the pay you determine.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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