Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Beyond Mediocrity

Is it time for you to move beyond mediocrity? Are you ready to leave the 97 percent and join the 3 percent who dare to challenge the status quo? Everyone has their reason for staying in their so-called comfort zone. But how comfortable is it to live on someone else's terms? How comfortable is having your life, that is your time and income, dictated by someone else? Most people assume this is how life is meant to be and are afraid to consider alternatives.

Entrepreneurship is certainly not for everyone. For one thing, it requires a leap of faith. It also requires tenacity. A simple business is still a business which requires time and effort to succeed. With that said, the rewards of entrepreneurship are so worth whatever investment is required. What is the price of mediocrity after all? I know full well the price of mediocrity because I spent way too many years paying it. The price I paid was my time, energy, and sense of personal fulfillment. I lived in fear of losing a job which enabled me to barely make ends meet. At the end of my 11-hour workday, I was too exhausted to do anything. Bottom line, I was used up by an ungrateful employer.

When I first learned of a home business opportunity that lets me decide how much money I want to earn, I thought it sounded too good to be true. After I did my due diligence, however, I learned that this is indeed a solid and very lucrative business. I am so grateful I had the courage to make this leap of faith. Afer all, it was a big adjustment going from being an employee to being self-employed. I had to adjust to waking up when I wake up instead of when an alarm clock goes off. I had to adjust to deciding how to structure my time. I had to adjust to the idea of payday being any day and even everyday instead of receiving a set amount every two weeks. I had to adjust to the idea of vacationing as often as I desire instead of budgeting my limited annual time off. Don't worry - I think I'm making the adjustments just fine.

If you think you're ready to move beyond mediocrity, fill out the form on this page. There is no obligation. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to help others move from a life of mediocrity to one full of possibilities.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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