Friday, October 31, 2008

If It's So Amazingly Simple.....

So, I sat here yesterday and this morning scratching my head. You see, I've talked to a number of people this week who claim they want to earn at least $100,000 a year. They're working too many hours, never see their children, don't make enough money to do anything but scrape by, etc. Then, I present what I do and how I do it, and most of them are reluctant to simply do what it takes to change their lives.

As I think about successful people, I ask myself what is different about the person who earns $30,000 a month from the person who only earns $30,000 a year? Belief is the first on the list. One has to believe it is possible to earn in a month what most people only earn in a year. The second is deservability. Do only 3% of us deserve wealth in our lives? Of course not - we were all created equally in the sight of God. And the third and very important difference is determination.

You can talk about wanting something all day long but you have to be determined to make it happen for it to manifest itself. The universe is very abundant and gives us opportunities everyday to excel and create more in our lives. Our job is simply to recognize those opportunities and do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to realize our goals. Andy Andrews says that successful people are different because they "persist without exception."

The secret here is that we each have within our minds and hearts to create anything we desire. Those who truly believe that fact and then take the action to bring our desires into reality are really living. I thank God everyday that I woke up and realized this before it was too late. How about you? Are you ready to change your life? It's so amazingly simple and only requires a decision.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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