Monday, October 13, 2008

Can This Business Get Any Simpler?

As I write this blog, I am sitting in The Bahamas awaiting the second day of this fabulous Summit Conference to kick off. Last night I witnessed the presentations of the people who won the top awards in our company, Liberty League International, for the past 3 1/2 months. The top earner, Rachel Oliver, has earned over a million dollars this year. Rachel only made the decision to become an associate here a little over a year ago. Interestingly enough, Rachel lives in Australia. Rachel admits to some initial skepticism which she conquered in order to reach her goals. Then she simply plugged into our simple system and stayed focused.

It's funny how many times I have heard the expression that ours is a simple business with a simple 3 step system in place. Just follow the system and you will succeed. I know the system. I follow the system. I teach others to follow the system. Some follow it and succeed. Others get side-tracked for one reason or another and don't follow the system and don't succeed. For some reason, we humans would rather focus on obstacles and problems, real or imagined, than focus on the solutions we have been so graciously given.

Often, we talk to people like Rachel and ask her what her secret is. There must be some magic dust or some hidden information that we are lacking, right? Wrong. Why in the world would a company and its associates keep the secrets to success to themselves? We all know that we only succeed in life to the extent that we also assist others in succeeding. The secret is simply to believe in yourself, believe in the system, and believe in the abundance that exists in our world.

I know who I am. I know where I'm going. And I know that my business is absolutely suited to getting me there. It's simple. The 3-step system is simple. It works - that has been proven time and again over the past 7 years. If you are ready to take your life to some amazing new levels, contact me for the simple but powerful answer. I love sharing this business - when one of us like Rachel, you, or me succeeds, we all succeed. We become the solution in our world. Can it get any simpler?

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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