Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Amazingly Successful in Today's Economy

The past couple of months have been very busy for us. Our simple home business has seen astronomical growth. Monthly income records have been broken. People are earnestly seeking a way to stay afloat in the midst of company failures and the resulting job losses. We are so blessed to be able to show people that times like this offer tremendous opportunities for the optimistic and creative. It's been said that more millionaires were created during the Great Depression that at any other time in history.

Think about it. Opportunities abound in our country and world for someone with a new idea. We have more technology and tools for instant communication than ever before. Also, hard times bring about more cooperation between people than competition. Cooperation means that together we can assist each other in ways we never considered when we sat comfortably in a cubicle depending on a boss to direct our time. Our direct sales business operates from the ideal that the more one of us succeeds, the more we all succeed.

When we decided to become entrepreneurs, it was a little scary. No more corporate benefits such as group health insurance or a 401K plan. However it was exhilarating to be free from being a slave to a time clock and work schedule. Time is our most precious gift. Time represents life itself. None of knows how much of it we will be blessed with. Therefore, it is a sacrilege to sell this time to someone (a corporate boss) who doesn't appreciate or value our sacrifice.

So, right now, if you have been given the opportunity to re-evaluate your life and how you want it to look, think about it from the ending. Between now and your death, what kinds of goals are dear to you? The slate is clean. Start writing your story. The only limitations are the ones in your own mind. My life is better than ever. My goals are bigger than ever. I have the opportunity to make a huge difference in my world. I owe it to God, my family and myself to become the best me possible. So do you.

To your creative success,
Sandra Hayes

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