Thursday, September 25, 2008

Keeping It Simple In Today's Economy

So, what do you really think about all the hoopla concerning today's economic climate? Chances are your life hasn't really changed any in the past 2 weeks. Mine has continued to amaze and excite me about the future. Early last week we wondered if we would be able to visit family in Florida because of the apparent gasoline shortages. We went to Florida without a problem and paid less for gas than we have at other times. I have some funds invested with Merrill Lynch. They are still there. Our business continues to hum along and attract really intelligent people who finally realize that there must be a better way to make a really decent living than by selling their time for money.

If you are tempted to fear the future because of what the media tells you, relax. I invite you to read Walter Williams' most recent column, "Scaring Us To Death," at Our world has existed and thrived for thousands of years. It's not about to stop tomorrow. It's time to change your thinking so that it really reflects what you know to be true rather than what others want you to think. Do you believe that some people make a lot of money (multiple six and seven figures per year)? If so, do you believe you can be one of them? I cannot tell you what to think or who to believe. I can show you what I believe and how I have changed my life, however.

The best news I have for you is that right now you are where you are because of the decisions you have made. There is no point in blaming the government or your mother. Why is this good news? It is good news because since you caused your circumstances, you can also change your circumstances. If this were not true, you would be stuck. You would be a victim with no chance. You are not a victim and I am proof of that fact.

If you would like to learn more about what thousands of us do everyday to create our livestyles of wealth and freedom, contact me. Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing. I hope you're having fun. Now the biggest decision I have to make is which showing of Fireproof to attend tomorrow. If we don't talk, have a great weekend. I'll be keeping it simple today like I do everyday.

To your success and peace of mind,
Sandra Hayes

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