Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Live On Purpose and Make a Difference

Our life and business rocks so much that I can't keep quiet about it any longer. As I sit here on this spring day looking out my window at Lake Murray and the budding trees, I realize that I envisioned this 10 years ago. We owned this property then but were living and working in Florida. If we were lucky, we were able to vacation here 3 times a year, never for more than a week at a time and sometimes only for 3 or 4 days. During one of those visits, I distinctly remember closing my eyes and picturing myself sitting here and working from a computer in my home. I had no idea exactly what kind of work I would be doing, but I knew it would provide a comfortable income and lifestyle. I also knew I would be fulfilling my purpose in life and making a difference to someone.

So here I am living that dream!! I am so blessed to have a husband who enjoys living this same dream lifestyle as I. After all, we have been married 31 years and are not carbon copies of each other. But in the things that matter most, marriage, family, church, and work, we agree totally in fidelity, integrity, giving of our time and resources, having fun, and being grateful to God for everything. Does a life like this just happen? Is it simply the result of luck? Or do we have the power to create any kind of life we desire?

Being a Christian of strong faith and a student of personal development - yes, the two compliment rather than contradict each other - I know without a doubt that our God-given free will, empowered by the Holy Spirit, gives us the ability to bring about anything we truly desire. I am certainly living proof of that. Seeing this happen in one area of my life encourages me to set my sights on even loftier goals. Every one of us was created for a distinct purpose and will live until that purpose is fulfilled. I probably will not know the entire scope of my purpose until my life is over. However, I do know the things in life I feel passionate about, so I know they are related to my purpose.

Working 10 hours a day for a corporation did not inspire me at all. Worse yet, it robbed me of creative energy and laid claim to one of my most precious resources, my TIME. Thank goodness I had envisioned a different lifestyle for myself and recognized the opportunity to achieve that lifestyle when it showed up. For me it was the business opportunity with Liberty League International. Not only could we now have the income to live according to our desires, our personal development products taught us how to think and believe in a new and powerful way. The point here is that even though you may want your life to look differently, you are going to have to take a leap of faith at some point to make that difference happen. One of my purposes on earth is to show others that change and success are possible for them. No one is stuck where they are unless they choose to be stuck.

I feel so passionate about the possibilities for my life and your life too. We all suffer when one of us chooses to "play it safe" rather than follow a dream. My favorite author, Andy Andrews, says that everything we do makes a difference. I want to make a difference with my life and honor my creator by achieving the purpose I was put here for. If you are feeling nudged to make a difference with your life, please take action on it. If you'd like to talk to me about that decision, I stand ready to listen and offer what knowledge and insight I have. This very well could be the opportunity you have been looking for to afford you new freedom. This could be the vehicle for you to live your life on purpose and make a difference for all of us.

To your success,
Sandra Hayes

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