Saturday, August 16, 2008

How I Spend My Time and My Life

"How you spend your days is how you spend your life." I recently heard this statement and it had a profound effect on me. It caused me to pause in my activities and assess my true priorities. Think about where you spend most of your time and money. This exercise will show you what you deem to be most important in your life.

Now, imagine that you have come to the end of your time on earth and are looking back at your life. Are you happy with how you spent the time you were allotted? If you are like me and rank your priorities as God, family, and job, is that reflected in your life? For too many years I woke before daylight, rushed to get ready, and drove to a job where I spent all day giving my best to make a difference. I came home too weary to give any more because it was all gone. I would crawl into bed and do it all again the next day. And I did this for YEARS!!

Meanwhile, my children grew up, my parents grew old, and my body showed signs of wear and tear. Thank heaven I woke up and saw the futility of what I was doing before my time was up!! You see, I had resigned myself to a life of mediocrity, hoping for some semblance of security. I wasn't created to live a secure life and neither were you. We were created to be creative. To take risks. To dream big and achieve goals that are scary.

Today I realized that my life is so much bigger and better than ever. I looked at my calendar and saw that today I was getting a new hairstyle, bringing my elderly mother to my home for the afternoon, walking my dogs, and doing some marketing. Each of these activities is a step toward my achieving some specific goals, be they personal or professional.

When I look at my calendar for the next month, I see a visit from our children and their families for Labor Day Weekend. I also see a mission trip in late September and a business trip to the Bahamas in October. These are the very reasons I left the job that was robbing me of so much time and energy. I feel very empowered knowing that I had the courage to make the decisions that caused this to happen.

Look at your calendar. Does it excite you or bring you down? Have you been thinking about how to take control of your life and time? Call me. My amazingly simple home business may be the answer you're looking for.

To Your Success and Empowerment,
Sandra Hayes
Home Office 803-364-3918

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