Sunday, March 2, 2008

LLI Is An Amazingly Simple Business

Have you heard of Liberty League International? This is a question we ask when calling people who have responded to our ads. Amazingly enough , most people say, "No." Of course, Ed and I hadn't heard of the company either 2 years ago when he responded to an ad. It's hard to believe we have been LLI associates for 2 years! It has been a totally remarkable and life-altering experience.

We jumped in with both feet, knowing that we had finally found the vehicle to get us out of our jobs and home where we had always dreamed of working. You see, we live in our dream home on Lake Murray in South Carolina. Every room in our home has a view of this beautiful lake. As a nurse, I usually went to work at sunrise and came home after sunset, especially in the winter. What good is a view if you're only home at night?

Secondly, both of our grown daughters had moved to Florida and one had given birth the year before to our only grandchild. But the hospital system I worked for would not allow anyone to take time off without pay. There was no way I could travel to Florida, participate in missions with our church, and take a vacation for myself on the limited time I was begrudginly given.

Add to this the fact that Ed and I are in our early 50's and want to be financially sound as soon as possible. We know without a doubt that we attracted our ideal business at just the right time in our lives. During the past 2 years, my mother has developed dementia. Thank goodness I have the time to spend with her that I never would have had while working as a nurse.

Have I mentioned yet how portable the business is? As I said, we travel to Florida every month or two. So does our business - with a cell phone and a laptop, we are always available to assist our associates as well as to share our business with those who are looking for what we have. Now that we both have smartphones, the laptop is not as necessary as it was!

We're leaving for Florida and then Virginia this week. But that's okay - you can still contact us and be confident that we will call you back within 24 hours. Meanwhile, have a great day. And remember that it is absolutely possible to have your own amazingly simple home business with Liberty League International.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

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