Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Keeping Life And Business Simple

Like any responsible adult in today's society, I juggle my time and priorities everyday. Fortunately, I don't have a J-O-B that demands 40-60 hours of my time and most of my energy every week. As a home-based entrepreneur, I am in charge of when and where I do my income generating activities. The reason for this is that I made a choice to keep my life and business simple. That is not to say that I don't have to make sacrifices and discipline myself to make all of this work. I am simply stating that my decision put me, not someone else, in control of my life.

Right now I am making decisions about 2 events that I want to participate in this coming Saturday. They both have a high priority for me and I've been brasinstorming to determine the best way to achieve both of them. Neither of them are "fun" but they are important and have "eternal" value.

The first event I want to attend this Saturday is a Boys' Epiphany Reunion at our local Department of Juvenile Justice. This is a monthly reunion of Christian adults and juvenile inmates who spent a weekend retreat known as an Epiphany together. The second event of "eternal" value is the funeral of one of my good friend's 24 year-old son. Jonathan valiantly battled cancer for the past 5 years and taught me a lot about living and dying.

No doubt you are also faced with daily decisions about setting priorities on your time. I encourage you to make your decisions wisely because time is a commodity that cannot be hoarded. It can only be invested and shared. With that said, I am pressing ahead into this day, praying that my decisions are wise and support my desire to keep my life and my business simple.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes


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